The film Sin City, released in 2005 is based on two genres, film noir and comic book. These are shown a lot in the film.
Sin City is typical of the genre Film Noir in various ways, firstly the use of low-key lighting, this fits in with the 'noir' (black) part of the genre, and is used in every scene of the film. One example of this can be when in the first scene when the male in the suit and female in the red dress are talking on a balcony, when it shows a close up of the mans face only half of his face is visible due to the lighting purposely only showing half. This gives us the idea that the character has a good and bad side. This is also used on every other character in Sin City and before we even hear them speak or watch them do something, we're given an idea what they are like.
Another convention in Sin City could be the usage of the long leather trench coats, they're used almost like a superhero's cape. When Marv runs across the rooftops in aid to catch the killer the silhouette-like scene attempts to make him look as if he is a superhero an a mission, running with his 'cape' dragging behind in the wind. Also, when Marv murdered the two assassins outside Kadies bar, he took the coat off before doing something bad.
Your points are valid, but we need a good introduction first. You have used the identify and justify model which strengths your response. However you do not refer to the question throughout. You also have not mentioned the comic book, hybrid nature of the text. In general, this is not abad start, but it requires a lot more detail and scene description. We can get it there, without too much trouble, workshop?