
Thursday, 30 January 2014

Explore the different ways in which audiences are targeted by chosen texts.

The text I studied is AMC's and Matthew Weiner's cable drama series Mad Men. This text is set in the late 1950/60s, and is a niche text targeting an active audience, which is not encoded to gratify a mainstream audience.

When analysing the series, varied and complex gender roles are complex and reflect the society in the 50/60s.  This complex representation can target an active audiences consumption needs. The 3 main women characters, Joan, Peggy and Megan are all shown breaking out of their traditional 1950's gender roles and the male protagonists begin to lose their empowerment over the women as the text goes further on in the series. This specific narrative device could promote models of behaviour and educate viewers on historical and cultural society alongside giving entertainment and therefore gratify and successfully target its audience.

One clever way this text was promoted was on a social network, but in a unique way. The directors created a avatar game which would involve creating a personal character that looked like you but dressed like a Mad Men character, this would then be promoted onto a social network such as Facebook, or Twitter where 100s of people would also see. This specific idea would